Documentary on the return to normality after WW1 with descriptions of daily activities, village festivals, functions, working activities
The corpse of the “unknown soldier” travels by train from Trieste (near by the battle fields) to Rome at the Vittoriano, the national monument dedicated to the King Vittorio Emanuele II where the ...
Towns devasted by the war: San Martino del Carso; General Cadorna in the trenches of the Carso; General Cadorna and General Nivelle
Imperial army advances on the Isonzo front.
On the paths of the Victory. The Royalty visit the Venezia Giulia region
Scenes of battles, trenches, wounded and prisoners
The story of Silvio Pellico who was arrested on the charge of carbonarism and conveyed to the Santa Margherita prison, then moved to the Piombi at Venice The sentence of death pronounced on him in Feb...
To be able to have a girl's hand Kelly asks to be asks to be drafted in troops in Libya